Nicholas Howard

Founder & Director

My life has been fascinating. I’ve found the real me wasn’t just lost, it had been buried by bad information mixed with pain. Then, everything changed when I met unconditional Love and He took me out of my tomb of shame.


Now, I am filled with purpose and power to do the same.


I am best friends with authenticity and enemies with the counterfeit. Give me the privilege of confronting fear, depression, shame, and it’ll be begging to leave. Yep, you too can have this kind of fun! It’s not a gift to me, but to all people.


One the roles I occupy now is that of a Reconciler.


Which means I get to be an emotional police officer arresting and evicting any belief keeping you enslaved. Becoming emotionally healthy doesn’t have to be boring or hard. It’s actually quite fun and liberating. It’s never too late to get free.